ISRAEL Cardozo - Grotto birth place

ISRAEL Cardozo – Grotto birth place

ISRAEL Cardozo – Grotto birth place

The Grotto of the Nativity, a rectangular alcove beneath the church, is the Church of the Nativity’s focal point. Entered by a flight of steps by the church altar, this is the cave that has been honored as the site of Christ’s birth since at least the 2nd century. A silver star on the floor marks the very spot where Christ is believed to have been born. Many people believe rubbing the star with their hands or objects blesses them and the objects. The floor is paved in marble, and 15 lamps hang above the star. The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, West Bank, Israel, is a major Christian holy site, as it marks the traditional place of Christ’s birth. It is also one of the oldest surviving Christian churches.